How One Startup Uses Jotto

Let's give you an example of how one company uses Jotto...

Case Study: Axial

Axial is a fintech startup based in New York City. Jotto was originally adopted by the product and data teams to share ideas both within and beyond their teams, and has since been adopted by other parts of the organization to share ideas and progress.

Axial heavily uses Slack and also has a successful public blog, but the team felt that something was missing. They wanted a way to share deeper ideas without contributing to the email deluge. They also wanted all of the information to be kept private (i.e. within the company's walls). They didn't want to worry about confidentiality or editing content for public consumption.

Screenshot of Axial's Jotto homepage

They created a team on Jotto's cloud-hosted service, and jumped right into sharing. Any employee can login using Google Apps authentication. Anyone can post and comment. Axial also integrated Jotto into Slack so that people can see new activity.

Every week, the VP of Product gives an update on work in flight, metrics, and strategy. Other members of the product and data team also contribute posts on new experiments. key results, or qualitative research. Members of the marketing team subsequently took to Axial to share their own initiatives and results. The CEO also posts on key shifts in strategy and the results of any initiatives of company-wide importance. Axial even took to using the internal blog to welcome and introduce new employees.

Here are some other examples of the kinds of things people share on Jotto.

new employee announcement

Key benefits Jotto brought to Axial:

  • Greater transparency around strategy, initiatives and progress
  • Shared understanding on product and engineering efforts
  • Greater trust between the product/engineering teams and the rest of the company
  • Better history and context for new employees joining the firm

Interested in using Jotto for your own team?